I found this article in Morenice forums (Thanks to nickname :ratnadewi)
I think it is good for us.
If you run an online business, you know that the single most important thing you can do after setting up your site is bring in the traffic. Your site could be the hottest thing to ever hit the Internets but it won’t do you any good if no one knows about it. Almost everyone who launches a web site wants to see their traffic soar and the hits coming in. The problem is that not everyone knows what to do and how to do it to be successful.
Everywhere you look it seems someone has some great master plan to help you bring traffic to your website. Everyone wants to sell you on some special technique or secret play to boost your traffic. The problem is you can’t always believe what you read on the Internet and you can’t always trust what other people say about gaining traffic. The only thing you can really trust and rely on is cold hard facts. You need to study what successful sites have done before and then take the same measures with your own to increase your traffic.
One of the best ways to begin when it comes to increasing your site traffic is to walk backwards. If you've never heard this phrase, it basically means to start at your end result and walk backwards from that goal to where you presently stand. This way you can see the steps that need to be taken to get you where you need to go.
If you want to succeed with bringing traffic to your site then you need to have a goal in place first. What type of traffic do you expect to see? What type of conversion rate are you hoping to get from this traffic? Basically what you need to do is form your goal and then formulate a plan to reach that goal. Find a site that has achieved the goals that you have for your website. Watch them, study them, analyze them and then track what they are doing to get where they are.
As you do this, you can begin to formulate a plan for your own site so you know how to get where you want to be. When you are forming your plan, do not think about "what ifs" or "maybes" and focus only on the facts that you know to be true. These are the only variables which you can control. Reapply these facts that you have learned and use them to increase your website traffic and you will be guaranteed success.
These are the most common and successful ways that high-traffic sites have gained their position on the web :
1. Search engines- This is by far the most common way to gain traffic to your site. If you have opportunity to view the log files of a popular website, you will see that they derive a large portion of their daily traffic from search engines. If you want to improve your performance with the search engines, you need to study and understand how they work.
2. Number of pages on your site- This one only makes sense when you think about. The more pages your site has, the higher your traffic will be. Think about it. If you have 5 pages on your site and every visitor looks at all 5, then that equals 5 hits per visitor. If 5 people visit, that equals 25 page views and so on and so forth. Having more pages will increase your search engine traffic.
3. Optimize all your pages- If you are going for SEO, be sure you optimize all of your pages not just your home page. This ensures that your site pages are coming up under multiple search phrases and not simply just your home page. This brings in more specific types of traffic and people who are actually interested in your site which will lead to a higher conversion rate. Better optimization on each of your pages will lead to more traffic and success.
4. Domain name- If you can get keywords actually in your domain name, this can increase your search ranking and traffic as well. While it is not always possible, it is very beneficial if you can pull it off.
5. Check your log files- Once you have launched your site, be sure to watch and study your log files to see what types of keywords people are typing in to find your site. These log files will show you what search engine keywords brought people to your site and often, you will be surprised at what you see. This will help you make changes to your site to increase the traffic based on those facts taken from the log files.
6. Link popularity- A higher number of incoming links will boost your search engine rankings as well. Remember that quality of quantity is best when choosing the sites you will link share with.
Now you know what methods will work to bring traffic to your site but you may still be wondering exactly how to do all of this. If you do not know how to use SEO and SEM and you do not have a full understanding of keyword placement and how it works with web traffic, it may benefit you more to hire someone to help you optimize your site for traffic. Paying an expert to do it right the first time will save you more in the long run than doing a poor job of trying to build traffic on your own when you don’t know what you are doing.
If you plan to do it yourself, make sure you learn as much as possible about each method listed above and the best way to implement them to be successful. Don't just trust the word of other Internet marketers. Look into the facts and find out the truth of what works and what does not and how things work. If you take a proactive approach with gaining traffic to your site, you will be more successful and will see the numbers that you want to be seeing.
In addition to these methods there are other ways of increasing traffic to your site. You can advertise on television, in magazines and on advertisements on the Internet itself. Word of mouth is also a great way to increase your traffic. If people like your site, they will tell more people about it so remember that a good quality site is as important to increasing traffic as all the other methods combined.
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Premature ejaculation is often described as "coming before your partner", the problem as we all know is how do you know if she really has reached orgasm? It is common knowledge that women fake orgasms, therefore the chances are that like most men, you suffer from premature ejaculation. Ejaculation is the goal of any sexual activity, and if you're coming before you're ready, then the chances are she isn’t ready for you to finish either! With regular exercise, you can you can decide when to come, and have complete control in every sexual situation.
Remember the last time she looked at you as if to say ”Is that it?” Most men experience premature ejaculation at least once in their lives, the good news is it doesn't have to be like this!
Imagine if you could climax exactly when you wanted to, how good would that make you feel?
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Wouldn't you like to have that iron-clad certainty that when you come, it's because she's truly satisfied? Most people don't like to talk about sexual problems, especially this one!
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Starting up a website for the purposes of making money can be a very exciting prospect. After all, it’s easy right? You put up a website, send some traffic, and BOOM! You’re supposed to start making money right away, aren’t you?
Well, let’s face it - if that was really the case, EVERYBODY would be making money on the internet.
Understand that putting up a website is just part of the equation of starting a successful internet business.
If you were to start a real brick-and-mortar businesses, opening your store would only be the first step. Once the store is open, you need to attract people to come inside the store, and then once they are there, they must BUY.
If you are doing any type of selling on the internet - especially if you’re an affiliate - you need to convince people that buying through your website - and your website alone - is the way to go.
The best way to do this is through a process known as “preselling.”
This is where you, as an affiliate, attract a prospect to your website, and convince them that the products you are reviewing are the ones that they’ll want to spend their hard earned cash on.
The following are some tips you can use to become an effective “preseller,” and get people to buy products through your website…
Preselling Tip #1: Establish Authority
People respond well to authority. Policement, judges, doctors, and politicians are all example sof people who can get others to follow their instructions based around the “status” of their authority.
So the best way for people to do what you want them to is to come off as an authority figure on the subject you are talking about.
For instance, telling people they should buy one product over another doesn’t carry any weight. But when you come off as an authority on the subject, people are more willing to accept your evaluation.
Saying something like:
“I have been golfing since 1998 and have competed in 12 professional golf tours…”
Is much more effective than saying:
“I’m really passionate about golf.”
In one instance, you are stating why you are qualified to be an authority on the subject, and in another instance, you are just talking about your affinity for the subject.
Keep in mind - you don’t ACTUALLY have to be an authority on the subject to establish your authority. Saying things like “I know what I’m talking about” and “I’ve done my homework” can go a long way.
Preselling Tip #2: Provide Contrast
When people are searching for information on a specific product or service, what they are doing is looking for reasons why they should or should not buy one product over another.
For instance: Is an XBox 360 better than a Playstation 3?
If someone is wondering which game console they should purchase, giving them a review that contrasts the two products is much more effective than offering them a review of the consoles on their own.
Let’s say that you, as an affiliate, get a better commission selling an XBox 360 than you do selling a Playstation 3.
What you’ll want to do in your review is state the reasons why you feel the XBox is better than the Playstation 3, AND why the Playstation 3 isn’t worth buying.
The key here is to never be overly-critical of the product you don’t want people to purchase. When contrasting products, a balances review is always more believable than a lop-sided one.
If you’re in a market where you have many products to compare and contrast, choose the top products in your market - the ones people are most likely to buy - and break down their pros and cons.
People will feel they are getting great insight for their purchase if they know all the reasons why they should buy one product over another.
Preselling Tip #3: Offer Personal Experience
Personal experience with a product or service is always far more powerful than a “general” review. So telling your prospect a story about your experience with the product you are selling is very powerful.
For instance, let’s say you were selling a book on how to lose weight. In your review, you talk about how you went on the diet the book recommends, what you felt like while you were on the diet, how much weight you loss, and how good it felt to finally find a diet that actually works.
As you can see, reading about someone’s personal experience is a much better selling point than saying:
“By following this diet, you’ll lose weight and feel good doing it.”
People respond well to stories, and they want to see proof that something works, or does what they need it to do, before they commit to buying it.
If you can show them personal examples, experiences, and results you yourself achieved, they will more readily believe your recommendation to buy.
Preselling Tip #4: Relate To Your Reader
It’s a well known fact that people are more willing to buy from someone they know than from a complete stranger.
The more you can make your reader identify with you and relate to you, the more comfortable they’ll feel buying from you. So you should always make an effort to relate to your typical website visitor.
For instance, let’s say your a single mother working from home, and you’re site is all about teaching other single mothers how to work from home as well.
Talk about dealing with the kids, doing laundry, having lunch with the girls, finding a babysitter for the night, and any other thing that single moms can relate to.
But also talk about common problems you experienced before you found the solution to them.
For instance, a big problem with single mothers is making enough money to support their family, and still having time to take care of their kids.
In this instance, you can talk about being worried about making enough money to support your family, and being too tired to take care of your kids the way you wanted to, until you discovered a method that allowed you to work from home, make good money, and spend time with your family.
Every single mom can relate to that problem, and once they relate to it, they will gladly accept the solution you offer them.
Preselling Tip #5: Give A Reason To Buy Through Your Site
Too often, affiliate marketers will simply post a review with their affiliate link in it, and that’s it.
But you always want to offer your readers reasons WHY they should buy now, and buy through you.
Actually telling people to click your link is a good start. Don’t just have a link to the product that says “Click Here To Buy Now,” have a link that says “Click Here Now To Quit Smoking Just Like I Did.”
Tell your reader about special offers the merchant is giving away, and make them think that buying through your website will give them access to them.
For instance, let’s say the merchant you’re an affiliate for is offering five special bonuses to anyone who buys his product. On your page, you can say:
“By clicking this link now, you’ll get access to 5 special bonuses.”
Even though these bonuses are accessable to everyone who visits the merchant’s site, saying they’ll get access for clicking the link on YOUR site makes it far more appealing.
You can also appeal to someone’s generosity to get them to buy through your site. Saying something like “If this review helped you, please be courteous and purchase your course through this link to show your support for my efforts.”
After all, if you’ve given them good information, they should feel compelled to return the favor if you ask them to.
Finally, if you’re really ambitious, you can offer your own bonus for people who buy through your website. This can be something simple like offering a Public Label Rights ebook, or as extravagant as an amazon gift certificate.
Just let people know that if they buy through your website and send you their reciept, you’ll give them something special in return.
Remember - preselling is all about making people WANT to buy, so that by the time they click on your affiliate link, they’ve already made the decision in their mind to make a purchase.
What are the Right Numbers?
Depending on where you look, recommended blood glucose levels can vary. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) numbers differ from the American College of Endocrinology (ACE) guidelines. The ACE recommendations are more strict than the ADA's. How do you know which to follow? Ask your healthcare provider which goals are right for you. The table below compares the two sets of guidelines for blood glucose, blood pressure and cholesterol.How many times a day should you check your blood glucose levels?
Checking your blood glucose levels often through out the day will help you to figure out how to keep good control. First thing in the morning before breakfast, two hours after a meal and before bed are good times to test. Other recommended times include before, during and after an exercise session, especially if it is strenuous or if you are feeling like your blood sugar may be low or high.
What is the A1C?
It's a blood test that helps you and your doctor monitor your overall glucose control.It gives an average of the amount of glucose in your blood over a few months' time. It is usually ordered 2 to 4 times a year. If you are newly diagnosed or having trouble maintaining good day-to-day control, it may be ordered more often.
"Checking Your Blood Glucose." American Diabetes Association. ADA. 15 Dec 2006
American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists and the American College of Endocrinology, "The AACE System of Intensive Diabetes Self-Management - 2002 Update." The American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists Medical Guidelines for the Management of Diabetes Mellitus. Endocrine Practice Vol. 8. 2002.
For more information visit: http://www.optimumdiabetics.com/?aid=202156